Hand accidents

Audio 48:30

Each year in France, between 1.5 million and 2 million people are affected by hand accidents. iStock / FatCamera

By: Caroline Paré Follow

Cooking, DIY, driving; these daily activities can cause a lot of trauma to our hands. Some may be benign such as bites, cuts, sprains of the finger or burns, but others, more severe, and require heavy interventions even in the most extreme cases, amputation. Each year in France, between 1.5 million and 2 million people are affected by hand accidents.


How to protect your hands? What are the first steps in the event of an accident? Who to consult? When to do rehabilitation?

  • Dr Patrick Knipper, Surgeon specializing in plastic surgery and hand surgery at the European Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris . President of Interplast-France / Chirurgie Sans Frontières , a restorative surgery NGO in developing countries
  • Pr Antoine Kibadi Kapay , President of the African Society of Hand Surgery - Surgeon of the Hand and Peripheral Nerves. Head of Unit of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery at the University Clinics of Kinshasa. Honorary President of the African Society of Hand Surgery "SAC-MAIN". President in office of the Society of Hand Surgery of the Democratic Republic of Congo

At the end of the program we find the chronicle sport and health of Dr Jean-Marc Sène doctor of the French team of Judo.

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