Preparation of "Cancer Education" Guidelines What to Consider in Classes 18:59 on February 3

About one in two, "Cancer education" to learn about the correct knowledge of cancer and the importance of life is to be created. , Announced.

Promotion of "cancer education" is also included in the "Basic Act on Cancer Control", which stipulates national measures against cancer, and will begin in junior high schools and high schools based on the "Guidance Guidelines" from next fiscal year.

In cancer education, doctors and survivors of cancer sometimes give classes, so the National Federation of Cancer Patients' Associations, which are created for cancer patients, have newly created guidelines that summarize what should be considered in classes. Then, a press conference was held on the 3rd and announced.

He says that it is necessary to consider that there are students with diverse backgrounds, such as those who have lost close people or have incurable diseases.

Examples of specific considerations include overemphasizing that cancer development is related to lifestyle, giving a misunderstanding that patients lived in disorder, and talking about survival rates, And that children with patients may feel sad.

The National Federation of Cancer Patient Associations has made it possible for external lecturers to learn through the Internet.

Aya Miyoshi, a breast cancer survivor who wrote the guidelines, said, "We do not encourage prejudice and discrimination against cancer survivors, and provide caring cancer education to people in various positions. I want you to do that. "