Director Clint Eastwood - Serge Arnal / Starface

At 89, Clint Eastwood returns with a new film, The Case Richard Jewell , which deals with the attack on the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996. And as the venerable Hollywood icon assured him on the British program The Morning , retirement is not for now!

"I like to do, it's good to have a job that pays off," he said. I like to be in movies. I love making movies, and I started to realize because I told myself that one day, I would look at the screen and say to myself, "That's enough Eastwood, it would be better if you were something else". So I told myself that if I realized, I could leave room on the screen for others. "

It was in 1959 that Clint Eastwood realized that he could move towards the realization. “Years ago I was doing a series called Rawhide . There were all these scenes on horseback. We mounted them and we came right in front of the camera. And when they shouted “Action”, the horses went crazy. So I asked the director, “why, instead of saying“ Action ”, it just doesn't say“ Come on ”. They tried, and it worked. Since then, the star has become one of the most esteemed directors in the history of American cinema.

The Richard Jewell Case will be released on February 19.


VIDEO. Clint Eastwood didn't let last month's California fires keep him from working

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