Discourse of protest in search of Nipponren Hironaka office Gone suspect escaped January 31 23:59

Nihon Benren and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations alleged that the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office searched for Junichiro Hironaka's office on June 29 in connection with the case where Carlos Ghosn, former chairman of Nissan Motor, fled to Lebanon in the Middle East. "It's an illegal act that violates the rights of lawyers," he said in a statement protesting the president.

The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office searched the office in Tokyo of Junichiro Hironaka, who was in charge of defense, on the 29th in connection with the case where former Nissan Motor's former chairman Carlos Ghosn (65) fled to Lebanon in the Middle East. Did.

"The prosecutors have destroyed the doors in the office and filmed their offices with videos, even though the lawyers refused access," said Yutaro Kikuchi, chairman of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. It is an illegal act that violates the lawyer's right granted by law to keep secrets. "

In the search, Tokyo District Public Prosecutor suspected that former Ghosn had made a meeting to escape at Hironaka's lawyer's office, seized the visit record of the former president on bail, and also used the personal computer used by the former president An attempt was made to seize but was refused by lawyer by law.

The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor has filed a petition with the Tokyo District Court to seize the PC under the authority of the court, but the court did not approve it, depending on the parties involved.