On January 30, the Friday television channel hosted the premiere of the reality show Love for Survival with Aiza Anokhina as the host. The heroes of the program are couples who need to overcome a crisis in relationships and begin a new stage in a joint (or already separate) life.

To this end, participants are sent to Cambodia. There they will have to pass tests of fidelity, check the level of trust and mutual understanding and learn to overcome their fears - only five stages in several directions.

For successfully passed the test, the heroes of the show get the keys. They can open the caskets, on which the parts of the cash prize for the total amount of 200 thousand rubles are laid out. However, it is expected that much more important in this situation is not money, but how the relationship within the couple will change.

  • © Friday’s Press Service

The goal of each stage is to make partners act together. Tasks are selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants and are aimed at ensuring that the characters either try to overcome the difficulties or look at each other from a new perspective.

Jealous must endure the communication of the partner with the opposite sex, the nervous ones will have to show patience so as not to substitute themselves and their beloved, infantile - to prove independence. A check of attention is called upon to become especially spectacular: one of the participants answers questions about the partner, and in case of his mistake the second will be punished - for example, he will have to eat fried insects.

The culmination of the program is a test of honesty, which is removed in advance. The couple should watch a video in which both participants on the polygraph answer provocative questions.

Another interesting story will be shown to the heroes: it turns out that before the trip to Cambodia, the actors sent in every way provoked the lovers to commit treason (moreover, for each participant the producers specially selected the most attractive character).

The show was hosted by rap artist, blogger and entrepreneur Aiza Anokhina. She is often a guest on television: on Muz-TV, Isa was the face of the “Neformat Chart”, on “Friday” she sat on the jury of the musical project “Voice of the Streets” with Basta and Restaurateur, and in 2019, as one of the presenters, she participated in show "#Jam".

Now Aiza speaks in a rather strict, but with this emotional way. She tells the heroes their mistakes in a rather rigid form and even in case of success marks the shortcomings made by the participants in the process of completing the tasks.

Due to Isa’s emotional manner of communication, one gets the impression that she is well acquainted with the couple (or, at least, carefully prepared for the meeting). Sometimes the artist calls the participants for a frank conversation, sharing her own experience: for example, she admitted that she had lived in a destructive marriage for ten years, and emphasized that now in her family it is not customary to control a partner. Perhaps, later the performer will share with fans and other details of her personal life.

Everything secret becomes public

The format of the project “Love for Survival” was developed by the Ukrainian “New Channel” (the first leading of the original version was showman Daniel Salem). The transmission lasted on air from 2016 to 2018. On Russian television, translated original issues were previously broadcast by Yu.

However, the roots of the format - at least of its individual episodes - go even deeper. A lot of shows were devoted to exposing the traitors with actors and hidden cameras - including on Russian television. One of these projects was the TV program “Test of Fidelity” on the Muz-TV channel, which was conducted by Lera Kudryavtseva and Tutta Larsen in different years.

Projects of this kind went to Yu: in 2012-2013, the audience was shown “Temptations with Masha Malinovskaya,” at about the same time you could see the program “Marriage or nothing” (for brides who want to check on the suitors). In 2016, the courage-oriented show “Cheating” started.

“Resort” feed was tested including in the mid-2000s on MTV channel by The X-Effect project (for the Russian audience, the name was adapted as “The Secret Temptations of a Resort Hotel”).

According to the plan of the show, former lovers were accommodated in one hotel room, and their current passions for several days using hidden cameras watched the development of the situation. Ultimately, the heroes had to decide with whom to continue communication. The original version of the show was broadcast in 2006-2009.