Illustration of a man smoking a joint - Gras Grün / Unsplash

How does it feel when you take LSD or mushrooms? What is the state of mind of drug users? What is their daily life punctuated by taking narcotic products? This is the subject of the “Substance” podcast, launched by Benjamin Billot, which gives voice to drug users.

To listen to the podcast, click on the player below

The journalist at France Bleu Creuse went to meet these consumers with a rule: "Neither judgment, nor proselytism". And produced a series of seven staggering testimonies.

Interview with Benjamin Billot on his podcast launched in mid-November. Why did you choose this subject of drug users, and how far from the people interviewed? What is the difference between the podcast and radio journalism practiced on a daily basis by Benjamin Billot? These are some questions from this podcast. The answers are to be listened to…

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AUDIO. Radio K7 and Listen to it podcasts together to talk about Daft Punk


AUDIO. Valérie Tribes, from the “Chiffon” podcast to “La Base” des fringues

  • Society
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Podcast
  • Drug
  • Wait a minute