I wanted to let you know and be sad that the court judge in my previous article, "How does a person turn into a killer?" Has suffered an urgent health problem, and as a result he asked me to amuse you with a light and gentle article until his health improves to complete his global trial.

Voltaire says: “Whoever has not read any article by Ahmed the oppressed, as if he has never read it.” This saying was taken out of my right pocket and if I wish it was a true saying, it is a great honor for me, especially since it was issued by Voltaire himself! But it is like many quotes that are attributed to the great philosophers, scholars and writers, and they have no camel or camel in it, and let us set an example until the meaning becomes clear, a saying attributed to the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler spread in which he says: “He who pursues rabbits does not hold any of them.” I believed it for a while, and I worked with the teachings of this saying that it makes sense and touches me personally, then it happened that I was reading the great brother Karamazov's novel of Russian novelist Dostoyevsky that was published in 1880, that is, before Hitler was born eight years! You can imagine what I found, yes, I found the saying itself written as it is in the novel, and Dostoyevsky mentioned that it is one of the old Russian folk proverbs, that is, it is older than Dostoyevsky himself.

If we stand the impact of this saying that is rooted in history, we may find it dating back to the Phoenician times, and we will not really know who is saying it! As Winston Churchill said: "The lie is all around the world while the truth is still changing her clothes," and I'm not sure about that as well. In another mistake made by French President Emmanuel Macron and his victim Dostoyevsky this time, while delivering his speech at the opening of the Louvre Museum - Abu Dhabi in 2017, he began his speech by quoting the phrase: “Beauty will save the world” which he attributed to Dostoevsky, and indeed the Russian novelist mentioned it on Prince Myshkin is the hero of the blockbuster novel, but - and I put a line under the word but - because Dostoyevsky mentioned that this saying is not the brainchild of his ideas but rather attributed to another, one of them must have passed the text in order to imagine to his reader that Dostoyevsky is his saying.

There is also another negative side caused by these statements, which is the tendency of the innate human to believe and attribute legitimacy to each sentence that falls between two quotes! Our normal obedience to the orders of the security man, and that is only because he wears an uniform that confirms that he has authority. The quotation mark has become its own authority and its influence on the human being in a significant way. I have used these great quotations that we do not know the extent of their authenticity and who is often unlimited in proving Perspectives may be wrong, end controversies, and embrace new opinions and beliefs only because they fall between double quotes!

There are people who find in the search for aphorisms that support his special condition a kind of relief, such as someone who loves himself to the point of narcissism and then justifies himself for his selfish actions by searching for the categories of what God has revealed with authority, talking about that self-love is the most important thing in existence so that Slightly confuse himself, create meaning for his actions, and because the double quotes sign is important and has its tyranny, I dedicate this saying to you from my left pocket: "An cosmic cosmos behind you."

There are people who find in the search for quotes that support their own condition a kind of relief, such as someone who loves himself to the point of narcissism and then justifies himself for his selfish actions by searching for categories.


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