Director Bong Joon-Ho has become all of Hollywood's new goose pig and the celebrities struggled to get a selfie with him during Sunday's Golden Globe gala, where the film won the award as best non-English-language film.

Now Variety reports that HBO has purchased the rights to "Parasit", and plans to do a miniseries of the film. Whether it will be in English or Korean is not clear. According to several industry magazines, Bong Joon-Ho will work with director and producer Adam McKay ("The big short", "Succession") with the series.

"Parasite" is about a poor family that, under false pretenses, infiltrates a rich family. The film is predicted to have good chances at a number of Oscar nominations later this winter, including for best film.

"Parasit" went to Swedish cinemas before Christmas and is nominated for this year's best foreign film at the Guldbaggegalan.