A recent Chinese study revealed that drinking tea at least 3 times a week may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

The researchers found that tea-related health benefits were more pronounced for those who drank green tea, not black tea, and the benefits were more pronounced among men.

The researchers followed data about 101,000 Chinese who had no history of heart attack, stroke or cancer, and divided them into two groups that included people who drink tea three or more times a week, those who drink it but less frequently, and others who never drink tea, and they followed up Their condition over 7 years.

The researchers found that those who drank tea regularly were 20 percent less likely to develop heart disease and stroke, and 22 percent less likely to die from heart disease and stroke.

The study also said that those who drink tea regularly in their fifties, will live about 1.26 years more compared to those who did not drink tea regularly.