Effective recruitment ratio for visiting caregivers increased to 13 times Urgent need for measures to secure human resources 21:08 on January 10

As the shortage of workers in the nursing care industry became severe, the ratio of job openings to home care workers and other nursing care workers increased to 13.1 times last year, about nine times higher than the average for all occupations. It has become clear that it is becoming more difficult to secure new human resources through home-visit care.

As the population ages and the number of nursing care service users is increasing rapidly, the number of nursing care personnel who support them is stagnating, and the shortage of human resources is increasing.

In particular, the number of home care workers, such as home helpers, that support elderly people living at home is particularly short, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare examined the effective job opening to applicant ratio and found that it rose to 13.1 times last year.

This indicates that 13.1 jobs have been hired by the company for each person seeking work, up 1.77 points from the previous year.

It is about 9 times higher than the average ratio of 1.46 times for all occupations, and more than 3 times higher than the average of 3.95 times for the entire nursing care occupation. The current situation is highlighted.

It is pointed out that there are many non-regular employments and the low income due to the difficulty of work behind the lack of home care workers, and there is an urgent need for measures to secure human resources.