A Brazilian judge tried to ban "The First Temptation of Christ". - Netflix / Porta dos Fundos

The Brazilian Supreme Court agreed with Netflix on Thursday by setting aside a court order ordering the online video platform to withdraw from its offer a fiction in which Jesus seems to have a homosexual relationship.

President of the Supreme Court, José Antonio Dias Toffoli, considered that this controversial fiction, The First Temptation of Christ, "did not ignore the need to respect the Christian faith (or other religious beliefs or the absence of these) ". "We cannot assume that a humorous satire has the capacity to weaken the values ​​of the Christian faith, whose existence goes back more than 2,000 years, and which is internalized in the belief of the majority of Brazilian citizens", further justified this magistrate.

A fiction by the Porta dos Fundos collective

Netflix announced Thursday that it had seized the Supreme Court. "We strongly support artistic expression and we will fight to defend this important principle," announced the American giant of online videos in a press release.

Sobre o especial do Porta dos Fundos: apoio stronglye a expressão artística e vou lutar para defender esse significant princípio, que é o coração de grandes histórias.

- Netflix Brasil (@NetflixBrasil) January 9, 2020

On Wednesday, a judge in Rio de Janeiro ordered Netflix to withdraw from its offer The First Temptation of Christ , a fiction by the group of Brazilian humorists Porta dos Fundos, which has been widely criticized by Catholic and evangelical associations. The magistrate had announced that he had taken this decision in order to "calm the spirits" within "the Christian community and Brazilian society".

Target production of Molotov cocktails

Netflix posted this video on December 3. The First Temptation of Christ tells in a wacky comedy tone a surprise family home evening during which Jesus arrives in the company of another man, apparently homosexual.

This Thursday, Porta dos Fundos reiterated in a statement to be "against any act of censorship, violence and authoritarianism", while maintaining its confidence "in the judicial system to uphold the Constitution". On December 24, the headquarters of the production house in Rio de Janeiro was the target of Molotov cocktails that left no victims. Police identified one of the attackers, Eduardo Fauzi Richard Cerquis, after analyzing the video camera recordings.

Na madrugada do dia 24 de dezembro, véspera de Natal, a sede do Porta dos Fundos faith vítima de um atentado. Foram atirados coquetéis molotov contra nosso edifício. pic.twitter.com/QsTadQt3do

- Porta dos Fundos (@portadosfundos) December 24, 2019

"The Last Hangover"

Fauzi, arrested in 2013 for hitting the Secretary of State Security in Rio de Janeiro, has already been condemned twenty times for assaults or threats. Considered a fugitive, he is said to have fled to Russia and the Brazilian authorities have requested that he be placed on the wanted list by Interpol.

Porta dos Fundos, which has mainly produced comedies since its creation in 2012, had already been talked about in 2018 after the broadcast, also on Netflix during the Christmas period, of another fiction, The Last Hangover , telling the next day of apostles' drunkenness after the last supper, in a scenario reminiscent of that of the successful American film Very Bad Trip ( The Hangover in OV). This fiction won an award in the comedy category at the Emmy Awards in 2019.


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  • Jesus christ
  • Brazil
  • Netflix
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  • Culture
  • World