A British study confirmed that the fruits of apples, blueberries and bananas have a very positive effect on blood pressure readings, as apples lower blood pressure because it is an important source of creatine, which is a substance belonging to flavonoids (organic compounds that have an anti-oxidant and anti-free radical effect), and creatine works to nullify the effectiveness of Free radicals (harmful ionizing chemical molecules in the body), support veins and lower blood pressure naturally.

The study, published by the Express website, indicated that blueberries contain a high level of flavonoids and strong antioxidant properties, and this helps to reduce blood pressure.

Studies have also found that blueberries possess large amounts of anthocyanins belonging to the group of flavonoids, and that those who obtain high levels of this substance have high blood pressure by 8%.

Researchers believe that anthocyanins reduce high blood pressure by boosting nitric oxide, a chemical in the arterial walls that keeps blood vessels relaxed and dilated.

As for bananas, it is another healthy option from fruits to reduce high blood pressure, as it is rich in potassium. Studies have shown that consuming two bananas per day can help reduce blood pressure by 10%.