A melting ice floe. Drawing. - Taken

Hot blow in cold countries. Sunndalsøra, a small town in western Norway, recorded 19 ° C on January 2, unheard of in Scandinavian country in winter. This very mild temperature is due to hot winds which were to return to sweep the region Tuesday evening, according to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. In Sweden, temperatures in recent days are about 5 ° C above seasonal norms in the south, and 10 ° C in the north.

"On January 2, three stations in central Sweden reported the highest temperatures for January since 1971," Sverker Hellström, a climatologist at the Swedish Meteorological Institute, told AFP. Owner of a sled dog business in Ekorrsele, Swedish Lapland, Donald Eriksson says he has lived one of the hottest winters of recent decades.

"Winters have shortened by an average of a month and a half"

"On January 7, 2019, it was -36 ° C here, this (Tuesday) morning it was +1 ° C," he says, contacted by phone by AFP. The differences "may depend on the weather, but the trend is clear: the last 15 years, and especially the last 10, winters have shortened by a month and a half on average," he said.

In southern Finland, where average temperatures in December were already 4.5 ° C above normal, winter has not even started yet, according to the local Meteorological Institute. Weather forecasts show that in January there will be no real winter in the region. In this context, winter is defined as the number of days with negative temperatures.

Temperatures above normal

In the heart of the Arctic, the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (Spitzbergen) is in its 109th month in a row with temperatures above normal, according to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Identical situation in Russia, where it was Tuesday 0 ° C in Murmansk, the largest city in the world above the Arctic Circle, about 6 ° C above seasonal norms, according to the national meteorological center.

Wednesday promises to be even hotter: meteorologists forecast up to 2 ° C in Murmansk and up to 4 ° C in Saint Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia (+12 ° C compared to normal).


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Climate: 2019 was the hottest year on record in Russia

  • Climate change
  • Russia
  • Planet
  • Video
  • floe
  • Global warming
  • Weather
  • Sweden
  • Norway