A meeting to think about the case before the trial in a facility for the disabled disabled case January 7 18:47

Before the trial of a case involving the murder of 19 residents at a facility for the intellectually disabled in Sagamihara City started on the 8th, organizations made by people with disabilities held a rally and participated. Talked about their thoughts on the case and the trial.

Before the trial commenced on August 8, a group of people with disabilities organized a rally in Yokohama, with about 170 participants, to address the challenges that this case had on society.

In this, Nobuko Migata, who has an incurable disease whose muscular strength gradually declines, gave a lecture, "The defendant says," Persons with disabilities are worthless, they do not produce anything, "but it does not know people with disabilities Because there are so many people in the society, I want all lives to be welcomed and a society without discrimination. "

Also, Harumi Shibuya, who has a cerebral palsy and has a disability, said, "Is he the only one who has the same feelings? I think that it is not just the defendant's judgment that ends, but what society really should be questioned "

A man who participated in the rally, raising a 6-year-old child with a severe disability who was bedridden, said, "After the incident, I was asked what it would be like to live with a disability. I haven't found it yet, but there are many things I can teach from my son who can't speak the language. "