Christophe has shown bad faith. - France 2 / Screenshot

Margaux, the currently unbeatable maestro of Do not forget the words , almost lost her place on Monday on France 2 ... Because of a new production error, and the bad faith of a candidate.

While Christophe is playing against Margaux for the silver microphone, with M. Pokora's song Elle Control Me , the game mistakenly displays the good words of the song. However, Christophe sang "She controls me and guides my steps", while the song says "She controls me and rhythm my steps". After his performance, Nagui repeated the good words as they appear, and Christophe recovers 30 points. What to be on a par with Margaux.

"You are digging the hole"

Upon returning from the program after the ad cut, Nagui, who realized the error in the meantime, asks Christophe if he knows "what happened". He claims that he is not aware of anything. "So let me refresh your memory. (…) You have given an answer. The answer you gave is not the one we wrote, ”summarizes Nagui.

But Christophe continues to assert that he does not know what the host is talking about. "We will give you the DVD, you will see," says Nagui, half-amused, half-annoyed. And Christophe to insist: while the host explains the difference between false and good words, the candidate insists that he sang "rhythm my steps" ... Before finally resuming, while Nagui warns him: " You are digging the hole, watch out ».

Nagui finally takes the incident with humor: "It's a gift from the house to start 2020 well," he says, and Christophe keeps his 70 points. This does not prevent Margaux from beating him, and continuing the adventure, with a prize pool which was 204,000 euros at the end of the evening.


The cult game show “Intervilles” returns in 2020, produced by Nagui on France 2

  • Fault
  • France 2
  • Nagui
  • Television