The Kiss Thief - Hugo Roman

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  • Today, LJ Shen's "The Thief of Kisses", published on December 5, 2019 by Éditions Hugo Roman.

Holly Goli, contributor to the reading group "20 Minutes Books", recommends Le voleur de baisers by LJ Shen, published on December 5, 2019 by Éditions Hugo Roman.

His favorite quote:

"Nemesis is my totem animal. It was she who drew Narcissus to the pond where he saw his reflection and where he died of vanity. Pride is a terrible affection. "

Why this book?

  • Because we are witnessing a mix of Hauts de Hurlevent and La Belle et la Bête, where the beast would be a handsome ambitious man eager for revenge and the beautiful the candid and spoiled heiress of a mafia godfather.
  • Because we are almost in camera with two heroes who spend a large part of their time hating each other before succumbing to each other.
  • Because the heroes of opposite worlds: politics for him, the Italian Mafia of Chicago for her; two interesting origins and approached with subtlety, far from the "classic" themes of New Romance.
  • Because the love story is beautiful and takes time to evolve before exploding. The heroine and the hero hide each of the cracks and sufferings which make that one becomes attached to them and that one forgives them their deviations and their defects.

The essential in 2 minutes

The plot. Francesca Rossi imagines that her future is all traced: marrying the man she has always loved, even if he is part of the Italian mafia like her father. But all of this will be turned upside down by Senator Wolfe Keaton, who, in revenge for the Rossi family, will marry Francesca without saying anything to anyone.

Characters. So we have Francesca and Wolfe, the two heroes and spouses but we also have the great love of Francesca or Sterling, the good of Wolfe without counting the Rossi family and the politicians who gravitate around Wolfe.

Places. Chicago of course! But we will especially be in the Rossi family house or the Wolfe manor. This will not prevent us from discovering the city through other specific places.

The time. This is happening in our time, in the 21st century.

The author. LJ Shen is known for her romances of unsavory and often very vulgar heroes, often not at all sympathetic, with the heroines. However, the universe varies very regularly and we still stick to its characters.

This book was read with great surprise by Holly Goli. “This author's previous novel had cooled me a little, but there I was transported and I became attached to each of the characters. I found the love story very beautiful and very intense. I will almost ask for more! "

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