Experts from the University of American Columbia have published results of studies indicating nutrients associated with insomnia and sleep disorders.

During their research on the issue of insomnia, experts at the university conducted studies during which they analyzed the diet of more than 50 thousand women. The results of the research showed that foods rich in carbohydrates, such as white bread and rice, raise blood sugar levels and cause insomnia.

James James Gangwich: “In the event of high blood sugar levels, the body begins to secrete insulin to lower these levels, and this may affect the secretion of other hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which may cause In turn, sleep disorders.

He praised the findings of the American scientists, the Russian physician and immunology and allergy specialist, Vladimir Polibok; and pointed out that “eating products rich in concentrated carbohydrates causes the insulin levels in the body to rise suddenly and then decrease, which negatively affects metabolism in the brain.”

He advised the doctor to stay away from foods that contain concentrated carbohydrates before bed, and replace them with other foods such as fruits and grains, and also indicated that drinking a cup of milk with honey at night helps to regulate the metabolism.