Neuroscientist Albert Moukheiber - Bojana Tatarska / Allary Editions

In "Minute Papillon! »Today, my guest is Albert Moukheiber *, doctor in cognitive neuroscience and author of Your brain plays tricks on you (ed. Allary). Our brain, if it is exceptional, can also be wrong, especially about false information, fake news . Why ?

In this podcast, Albert Moukheiber returns to the motivations that lead me to believe false information. This can be in particular by "intellectual laziness", by "reasoned reasoning", which makes me believe in information confirming my opinion and my vision of the world ... or even by "illusion of knowledge", that is to say believing that i understood a very technical subject, but in fact that I do not master…

What are these brain mechanisms? What critical distance should be adopted in relation to information? The answers in this podcast produced for the “Visions” event, organized by 20 Minutes on December 4 in Paris.

* Albert Moukheiber is a doctor in cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychologist and lecturer at the University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis. He is one of the founders of Chiasma, a collective of neuroscientists interested in how our opinions are formed.

Find our Fake Off section here

Sound credits: Longing - Joakim Karud / Royalty Free Music / Bisquit soul by Noodgroove - Fugue


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  • science
  • Fake Off
  • Fake news
  • Wait a minute
  • Podcast
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Brain