The murky episode of La Paz should be clarified as soon as possible. No one understands why the de facto ambassador in Bolivia - and in the absence of the ambassador, who is on vacation - came heavily escorted to the Mexican legation , where nine former collaborators of the escaped Evo Morales are assimilated. An elementary diplomatic prudence seems to have been contravened by the enigmatic visit of the head of Business and Spanish ambassador ad interim to the Mexican embassy in Bolivia, which serves as a refuge for former senior officials of the deposed revolutionary regime. Thus, the open diplomatic conflict with Bolivia worsens at times and places Spain in a difficult situation before the international community . Because the accusations made against our country by the Bolivian interim government, which has called for the expulsion of the current Spanish diplomatic legation in the country for violating its sovereignty, are extremely serious.

If on the same Friday - day when the strange visit took place - Chancellor Karen Longaric denounced that the escorts accompanying the Spanish diplomats were "hooded" and "presumably armed" and tried to "surreptitiously and clandestinely enter the residence Mexican diplomat in La Paz, "now the accusations are even more important. In the interview we publish today, Jorge Tuto Quiroga , former Bolivian president and current delegate to the international community of the interim Government of Jeanine Áñez , directly holds the Executive of Pedro Sánchez responsible for being behind what he considers an "extraction" operation aimed at Remove the nine "criminals" hidden in the Mexican legation from the country. Including, he adds, Juan Ramón Quintana , "the Diosdado Cabello of Evo Morales who in turn has connections with drug trafficking," and Héctor Arce , "the counterpart of Podemos in Latin America," who hired "the famous advice to the CEPS foundation that is, Íñigo Errejón in Bolivia, Carolina Bescansa in Nicaragua and Juan Carlos Monedero in Venezuela, where they have stolen huge amounts of money for years. "

According to Quiroga, it would be Podemos who, as part of the investiture negotiations, would have pressured Sanchez to prepare an operation that would prevent the nine former senior officials from being tried in Bolivia. Recall that when he denounced the punch of the last elections perpetrated by Evo Morales and confirmed by the Organization of American States, precipitating the escape of the indigenous leader and his collaborators, Iglesias spoke of "coup d'etat . " Even the then Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell , criticized the attitude of the Bolivian army as guilty of the fall of the Morales regime. An unprecedented positioning that only makes sense in light of the hug between Sánchez and Iglesias .

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  • Bolivia
  • Evo Morales
  • We can
  • Venezuela
  • Nicaragua
  • Mexico
  • Juan Carlos Monedero
  • Josep Borrell
  • Iñigo Errejón
  • Carolina Bescansa
  • Editorial
  • Opinion

EditorialUrge clarify what happened in Bolivia

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Impression Duties to the future Government of the Bank of Spain