Matsutake Main production area Nagano Less than 20% of normal year Low rainfall effect during growing season or December 29 16:51

In Nagano Prefecture, one of the nation's leading matsutake producing areas, the amount of matsutake collected during the growing season was less than 20% of the average for the last 10 years until last year, due to low rainfall.

According to a summary by Nagano Prefecture, the amount of Matsutake collected in the prefecture was 5.5 tons, which was only 18% of the average of 31.4 tons collected in the last 10 years.

It is the fifth least in 31 years from 1989.

Depending on the prefecture, matsutake grows in late summer and autumn when moderate rains and soil temperatures begin to drop.

However, the fact that the temperature continued to be high even in September and that the temperature of the soil did not drop due to the low rainfall seemed to have affected the growth of Matsutake mushrooms.

Nagano Prefecture says, "It's a shame that this is a bad harvest. As a prefecture, we want to create an environment where matsutake can grow easily, such as through mountain care methods through workshops for producers."