Doctors saved a German man who was so fat in his blood that his color turned from red to white, and he would have killed him if they had not used a technique that had been abandoned long ago.

They pointed out that the patient came to the hospital with a condition known as "triglycerides in the blood", a common disorder that causes the formation of fat molecules called triglycerides (blood triglycerides) in the blood.

Doctors usually treat this condition with a technique called plasma, which uses blood plasma to be extracted from the body, removes excess triglycerides (or other toxic components), and then returns clean filtered blood to the patient.

But when doctors at the University Hospital Cologne tried this approach with their 39-year-old patient, his thick blood and accumulated fat blocked the plasma system in two attempts.

Doctors say that this strange situation, unprecedented, invited them to follow a different treatment method to withdraw excessively dangerous and somewhat dangerous, from the blood of men.

The normal level of triglycerides in a person’s blood is usually less than 150 mg / dL, and the reading is high when it ranges from 200 to 499 mg / dL, while 500 mg / dL is considered “very high”.

In the rare case of a man, the level of triglycerides was 36 times higher than the rate that is usually "very high", reaching about 18,000 mg / dL.

Doctors say this is the reason why the man had nausea, vomiting, headache and health deterioration when he arrived at the hospital.

Doctors attributed this case to a number of related factors related to obesity, diet, insulin resistance, and possible genetic predisposition.

In view of the inability to use the modern method of treatment for such cases, the doctors resorted to a method that was abandoned a long time ago and invented by ancient healers thousands of years ago, which is "phlebotomy".

This ancient technique relies on removing blood from one part of the body by creating an incision in a major vein, a method that dates back to ancient Egypt about 3 thousand years ago, and was one of the most common medical "scientific" forms.

Doctors pulled two liters of the patient's blood, and replaced it with a concentrated red blood cell, pure frozen plasma, and a physiological saline solution.

The team was able to reduce the patient's triglyceride levels, and by the fifth day it had become free of the remaining neurological symptoms.