Although the smartphone has undoubtedly become the focus of our daily life, the excessive use of smartphones has many damages and negative effects on human health. One of these drawbacks is that your smartphone is hampering your weight loss plans in multiple forms, according to a preliminary study presented at the Latin American Medical Conference on Cardiology.

The study analyzed the health and telephone habits of 1,060 students at Simon Bolivar University in Colombia, and researchers found that students who used their smartphones for five hours or more a day had an increased risk of obesity by 43%, and were more likely to practice other unhealthy habits, such as Eating fast food, drinking sugary drinks, and not exercising.

Also, using the phone late at night will not allow you to sleep deep, and deep sleep for a sufficient period (7-8 hours) is one of the most important factors in losing weight. Smartphones (and other electronic devices, such as televisions and computers) emit blue light from their screens, and the extra blue light at night can reduce the amount of melatonin produced in your mind and disrupt your daily rhythms, leading to insomnia and poor sleep, according to the Harvard Health Bulletin. . A study in the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine" also found a relationship between exposure to blue light at night, weight gain and obesity.

On the other hand, a person feels stressed and anxious when he receives many notifications on the smartphone in a short time, which affects the hormonal system and the performance of the body's immunity, which becomes more vulnerable to chronic diseases and weight gain. Indeed, there is a relationship between excessive use of smartphones, low moods, depression and anxiety, according to a review published in the magazine "Affective Disorders". There is no doubt that this directly and negatively affects your goal to lose weight.

In the same vein, staring at the screen of your smartphone makes you walk slowly, as we know that walking may be a great way to burn calories, but only if you do that at the right speed. Using your phone while on the move can slow you down, according to a study by BMC Research Notes, which analyzed the walking speeds of 1,142 people using their phones, and found that those who used to text or call were walking much slower than those who did not.