The terrible murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, whose body was chopped up after his murder, will be a waste of ignominy with which he will carry the Saudi regime for a long time. And nothing will improve its exterior image, but quite the opposite, the bloody substitute of justice that Arab satrapia has arranged to try to wash its reputation before the world. It should be remembered that the first reaction of the Saudi authorities was to deny the death of the journalist, and only after the scandal raised they admitted that it was a crime.

Riyadh's sentence condemns five people to death for their involvement in the murder - perpetrated, remember, in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul - and excuse everything, despite the many indications against him, who was the right hand of the successor to the throne , true strong man of the kingdom. It is to him that all international investigations point from day one. And the suspicions are not going to dissipate by a farce in the form of a trial intended to cover the almighty heir, Prince Mohamed bin Salman, with a cloak of protection.

The truth is that Turkey itself has deemed the verdict scandalous and criticized that those responsible for the crime have been granted immunity while the witnesses to the event have been ignored. Reporters Without Borders has also branded this condemnation of "mockery of justice." If Saudi Arabia really wishes to appear respectable, it would be better to take credible steps towards the protection of human rights in its regime.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Saudi Arabia
  • Jamal Khashoggi
  • Turkey
  • Editorial

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