Teachers in their 50s and 20s of the same junior high school disciplinary dismissal due to voyeurism and indecent acts Oita December 24 10:34

A 50-year-old male teacher working at a public junior high school in Oita Prefecture was disciplinaryly dismissed for using a smartphone to voyeur a girl student's skirt during class. A 20-year-old male teacher in the same junior high school was also disciplined and dismissed for obscene conduct.

According to the Oita Prefectural Board of Education, a male teacher in his 50s working at a public junior high school in the prefecture scammed a girl's skirt with a smartphone last month during class.

The instructor put his smartphone in slippers with empty toes and took the camera lens out of the toes to take a voyeur.

The teacher admitted the fact to the prefectural Board of Education's internal investigation and said that he had "repeated several years ago."

In addition, a male teacher in his twenties working at the same junior high school, in fact, had been doing obscenity outside of school several times with a female student student in October.

He acknowledged the fact that the school had heard and said, "I became intimate while interacting with SNS."

The Oita Prefectural Board of Education decided to discipline and dismiss the two teachers on the 23rd.

The school where the two work is not disclosed.

At a press conference, Toshio Hokatsu, Deputy Director of Education of the Prefectural Board of Education, apologized, "I will deeply apologize to the affected students, parents, and citizens of the prefecture for their unacceptable behavior."