ANA Captain Flying Complete License Without Carrying December 25 5:43

On April 24, it was learned that ANA Captain in his 60's was flying without a set of licenses required to carry on board when flying under the Civil Aeronautics Act.

According to ANA, on April 24, the captain in his 60s did not have a license for airman skills certificate and aviation medical certificate, which are required to be carried by the Aviation Act while flying on a flight from Haneda to Fukuoka. I realized I was flying.

As a result, the Captain was unable to fly on subsequent flights, and as a result, two flights, including the one connecting Fukuoka and Osaka, were canceled or delayed.

It is said that the captain explained that he had left the entire set of licenses at home, but according to internal regulations, the procedure was to check before boarding, and the company is looking into the details.

ANA commented, "I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience and anxiety to our customers and all those involved."