The German Nutrition Association reported that there are some wrong habits that lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, which is troublesome for many, and the list came according to what was published on the "Sky News" as follows:

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep affects the body's production of more steroid hormone cortisol, which is responsible for cravings to eat. To reduce the level of cortisol, you should sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night.

Sweetened drinks

The high sugar content in sweetened drinks increases the desire to eat, and eating light drinks is not a solution, because it increases appetite as well, but it is better to replace these drinks with water.

Low-fat foods

German nutritionists have warned that foods with "low fat" packaging usually contain a large amount of sugar.

They recommend replacing these foods with healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, eggs and fish.

It should be noted that healthy fats have an anti-inflammatory effect, and help reduce belly fat and protect the vessels, as well as help to feel full.

Long sitting

Prolonged sitting slows down metabolism and blood circulation, which inhibits fat burning enzymes.

German experts recommend combining movement and activity during daily tasks, such as walking instead of riding transport, and climbing the ladder instead of the escalator.

Eating late

When eating food shortly before bed, this stresses the stomach because it is occupied with digestion, and it does not perform its tasks optimally.

Experts recommend not eating any food two hours before bed, so as not to accumulate fat in the abdomen.