Learn from parent and child at the elementary school "not connected" Christmas Koto-ku, Tokyo December 23 15:52

December 24 is Christmas Eve. At elementary school in Koto-ku, Tokyo, a unique lesson was made to "connect" something to have a fun Christmas with the family.

The class was held at Koto Ward Daisatsusunacho Elementary School. About 60 third-year children and their guardians participated. Children are taught the purpose of the lesson, but parents are not informed.

In the class, the parent and child first made a class on making a smartphone case. The children enjoyed working with their parents to decorate the case with stars and reindeer.

When the case was completed, the teacher instructed the children to attach the case to the parent's smartphone, and the parents closed their eyes so that they could not see the attachment.

The children dared to attach the case to the front of the smartphone and hand the smartphone to the guardian with a shout "Merry Christmas to connect with the family."

After that, the president of the overseas WiFi service company that hosted the class explained the purpose of the class.

The president explained that the purpose of the lesson was "to cherish the time with the child by" disconnecting "with the smartphone."

Parents listened seriously when an NPO called out, saying, "I want my children to feel sorry that their parents are connected to their smartphones."

The mother who participated said, "I felt stumbled upon because I sometimes touched my smartphone. I would like to face the children and play on Christmas."

The child also said with a smile, "I want to spend my Christmas reading and reading with my family."