Influenza patients: Rapid increase several weeks earlier than the average year.

Influenza patients are increasing rapidly several weeks earlier than usual. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases calls for thorough preventive measures such as hand-washing because there are more opportunities for people to move and gather during the year-end and New Year holidays and there is a risk that the epidemic will spread further.

According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, there were 77,425 flu patients who visited about 5,000 medical institutions nationwide during the week until the 15th of this month, and the estimated number of patients nationwide based on this was about 530,000. 5000 people, an increase of about 210,000 from the previous week.

The number of patients per medical institution is 15.62 nationwide, and by prefecture, the largest number is 31.94 in Yamaguchi,
▽ Next is Hokkaido with 29.76 people,
▽ 26.69 people in Miyagi Prefecture,
▽ 24.14 people in Aomori Prefecture,
▽ Toyama Prefecture has 24.04 people,
▽ Saitama Prefecture has 20.84 people.

In general, the number of influenza patients is increasing rapidly at the beginning of the year toward the peak after the end of January, but the number of patients is increasing a few weeks earlier this season.

Of the 2785 patients who have been admitted to approximately 500 medical institutions nationwide so far, more than half accounted for 1415 people under 15 years old, and the reason is unknown, but what is the usual year when many elderly people are hospitalized? It shows another trend.

“In the future, as the number of people moving and gathering during the year-end and new year increases, the chance of infection will increase and the epidemic may spread further. From children to the elderly, We want you to thoroughly implement preventive measures such as cough etiquette. "