A new study warned that sleeping more than nine hours at night or having a long afternoon nap increases the risk of stroke, according to the British newspaper, The Mirror. According to the study, the researchers found that people who slept nine hours or more per night were 23 percent more likely to have a stroke than people who slept less than eight hours per night.

The study also showed that people over 60 years of age who had a regular midday nap lasting more than 90 minutes were 25 percent more likely to develop a stroke later than people who had a regular nap lasting for up to an hour or Without a nap at all.

More study is needed to understand how long naps and sleeping longer hours at night can be linked to an increased risk of stroke, study author Dr. Xiaomin Zhang said. He added that previous studies showed that patients who sleep long and who sleep have unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the waist circumference, both of which are risk factors for stroke, in addition, long naps and sleep may indicate a generally inactive lifestyle, which It is also linked to an increased risk of stroke. ”Dr. Zhang from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China added that these findings highlight the importance of moderate sleep and duration of sleep and maintain good sleep quality, especially in middle-aged and elderly people.