Philosopher and founder of the Western School of Meditation, the man who cherishes yellow has accepted an intrusion into his library, full of philosophy and poetry.


If we know the appearance of the character - always dressed in yellow - it is not surprising to see only yellow walls at the home of the philosopher Fabrice Midal, Puteaux. As well as yellow radiators, yellow blinds and yellow ... libraries. "I have no idea why, but I love it, it puts me in a good mood." The philosopher who has just published Mediter, the happiness of being present , hosted Sunday Nicolas Carreau, in the show The voice is book, the 43rd floor of a tower whose windows allow you to admire Paris.

The book, everywhere

In addition to the yellow, what is challenging the philosopher is that the walls of almost every room are full of books. "First of all, it's my job, I write, I read, My library is the space I live in. Besides, it's quite singular to talk about its library, because it's perhaps the most intimate thing. "

In the office, philosophy

Seneca, Lucretia, Epictetus, Nietzsche ... are present on the shelves. "It's sorted chronologically, we start with the pre-Socratics, then Plato, Aristotle and we continue with Descartes, Kant, Rousseau ...", reveals the specialist. Heidegger and Wittgenstein have a place apart, "colossal". Beside the books, a collection of Greek vases "testifying to Greek mythology and thought."

The novel does not pass through him

One sector is totally devoted to poetry. The philosopher explains: "I do not think there are any novels in my library, I do not read novels, and there are novels, which for me enter into poetry. have Kafka ". "It's not that the novel repels me, but everything is in poetry Poetry, we are immediately in listening to a word that touches us and concerns us.After I can not explain it This is not the way the world opens.I feel better for myself, the risk of an adventure in poetry than in the novel.There are exceptions, "he notes, as Proust .

Rays poetry, we must distinguish two major parts: Russian poetry and American. "There is a French preconception: when we talk about poetry, we are locked in French poetry, which seems very damaging to me."

Fabrice Midal has also worked with Allen Ginsberg, father of the beat generation. "He was very involved in meditation, I discovered meditation when I was 20. I'm going to practice in Paris, one guy is Allen Ginsberg, he gives us an extraordinary poetry class. to sympathize with him, "he says, admitting to have had with him these conversations that change a life, including the design of the present.