Often the last activity in your day is about your free time. Either you read, watch a movie, or spend your time on Social Media. Let's be realistic, even if you're sitting with your family or friends, your head is on the screen and nobody denies it.

Watching movies at home in WhatsApp time is not like watching them before. The famous messaging app has seriously disrupted the mental focus process. The poor brain has a tremendous burden, analyzing all the information received through WhatsApp, and sorting out what is important.

That is why today is fast passing, but when you look at the accumulations of past years, let us say the last seven, you feel it was a long time ago.

Let's go back to the last activity of your day, personally, if I start a 90-minute movie, it's almost impossible to finish it in its duration, but add about another hour. What happens is that you have to look at the app once every 20 minutes, to see if someone wants you for necessity.

But one way or another drifting behind the flow of information from repeated conspiracy theories to that person, who insists that you respond, because his time is more important than your time to the controversy in this «group», or that on a video often do not care if you try to play it to forget what You do in your spare time!

The two-hour film extends to four, and the three-hour film sometimes extends to two watch periods despite my nose, and inevitably the two watch periods are not in the same mood!

Ten years ago, the situation was relatively calm. Nokia, which was breathing its last breath, was ringing in times of necessity. The «BlackBerry» was limited, and the texts of conspiracy theories shatter on rocks primitive!

Twenty years ago, Nokia was in control of the scene, and the maximum literalism of text messages was jokes, or graphics made with symbols, no one paid any attention. Communication with the outside world necessitated a computer.

Going back to the day, leaving your smartphone only one hour has become a cause for concern, because you either want to know what you missed from the torrent of information often does not carry any value, or do not want to blame you not to answer it when you want, and that's kind Another of concern.

When you leave your phone and go to sleep, or try to do it without examining the screen that lights up the ambiguous you to carry and flying in conflict with yourself, do you sleep or look last time, what is important when you leave it Try to consider the following questions: To the information received through «Whatsapp» on a certain day, is this application deserves the magnitude of anxiety that is generated in ourselves when we leave it? Was all the information necessary to read it? Did you waste your time when I argued so and so on this group? .. I leave you the answer.


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