“Difficult to achieve obligations” Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy on reducing the number of persons with disabilities November 29, 18:01

Of the central ministries and agencies that are aware of the increase in the employment rate of persons with disabilities and are planning employment plans for improvement, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has to hire the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as it is difficult to fulfill its employment obligations. We have established a policy to reduce the number of people with disabilities.

Regarding the employment rate of persons with disabilities in central government ministries, last year, the number of flooding was detected and the number of cases fell below the 2.5% required by law. Is the lowest.

According to the proposal presented by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's council on the 29th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that it is difficult to fulfill the obligation of employment of persons with disabilities due to the peculiarities of working abroad such as embassies.

On top of that, we will exclude employees working overseas from the total number of employees when calculating the number of persons with disabilities that must be hired.

Nearly half of the 6,500 foreign employees work overseas, and if they are excluded, the number of persons with disabilities will be reduced from the current 160 to 80.

This measure is limited to five years, and it is said that it will proceed with measures to increase employment during that period, but the committee members said, “It is important to make an effort to achieve it under the current conditions” Opinions were out.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will consider necessary government ordinance revisions based on the council policy.

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Prof. Takanobu Nakajima, Keio University, who is well-informed about employment support for people with disabilities, said, “From the beginning, including private companies, this work cannot be done by people with disabilities. Nevertheless, the policy presented this time must be said to go against it. "

In addition, the employment of persons with disabilities was rushed by the central ministries, and “What if disabled people can work in the workplace, what should I do? It is necessary to gradually increase employment by debating whether it will be possible, because the central ministry should serve as a model for private companies, so if the employment rate cannot be achieved, Explain why and should spend some time trying to achieve it.