His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ajman, ordered the release of 103 prisoners who proved good conduct during their execution in the correctional and penal establishments at the Ajman Police General Headquarters and those who met the conditions of amnesty and proved their eligibility for enjoyment and exemption from the remaining sentence Anyone sentenced to deportation from the country on the occasion of the 48th National Day of the State.

The release order came out of the keenness of His Highness the Ruler of Ajman to bring joy and hope to the inmates in particular, their families, relatives and friends in general to complete the joy of their release and reunion with their families and relatives, and an affirmation of the care of His Highness and his adult interest in the status of members of society at all segments of society.

His Highness expressed his wishes for the released people to return to the community and public life after serving their sentences.

For his part, His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ajman Police, extended his thanks and appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Humaid Bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ajman, on his highness's pardon order, which reflects his keenness to give prisoners the opportunity to be persons. They are happy and reunited with their families.

He pointed out that His Highness's order affirms a deep sense of the importance of enjoying his freedom and that the doors of return remain open and undoing mistakes and benefiting from the lessons and lessons experienced by prisoners during the past period and a way to uprightness and repentance advice in their lives.

Maj. Gen. Al-Nuaimi expressed his wishes that the sentence will be sufficient to reform them and return to society as normal people who play their role in the service of the homeland.

He stressed that the procedures for releasing the released persons for their return to their families would be immediately initiated.