KUWAIT CITY - Kuwaiti Health Minister Sheikh Dr. Basil Al-Sabah said the first full heart transplant was performed at the Salman Al-Dabous Center in Al-Adan Hospital yesterday, according to the German Press Agency dpa.

The Kuwaiti newspaper «opinion» on its website, Minister Al-Sabah as saying that the heart transplant was conducted for a patient in the second decade of his life, suffering from severe heart failure and failure in the final stage, his condition necessitated the development of industrial periodic support devices to preserve his life, She died in the first decade of her life, and her organs (heart, liver, and kidneys) were donated.

He pointed out that the deceased saved the lives of four patients in the prime of their lives, who suffered from advanced failure in those organs, was conducted by a team specialized in heart surgery.

Al-Sabah confirmed that the operation is the culmination of years of planning and processing to work on the heart transplantation program.

He added that «what has been achieved today is a bright sign and clear evidence of the qualitative leap reached by the Ministry of Health in Kuwait and a historic achievement added to the track record of achievements, after two years of preparation and training our doctors were able to carry out this process with skill and professional».

"Today is an important step towards saving and upgrading healthcare services and we aspire to raise public awareness about the importance of organ donation because of its role in saving lives," he said.