Michel Denisot, journalist, presenter, president of a football club and now director, spoke on Monday in "The wild equipment" on Europe 1, the creation of cult format of "Zapping", at the time he was deputy general manager of Canal +.


The former presenter of the Grand Journal on Canal +, channel on which he also held leading positions, detailed on Monday, Europe 1, the circumstances of the creation of Zapping . The program, now cult, proposed to show several short television clips in succession, broadcast the day before on television, they are hilarious, sad, moving, or incongruous, and this, all channels combined.

"Images that we take everywhere, that cost nothing and that make the audience!"

"One Monday morning, we were talking in a very natural way, 'did you see this or you did not see that on TV this weekend?' 'No, we're going to watch.' 'It was born just like that." modestly delivers Michel Denisot. Before adding, not without humor: "It's still the most beautiful scam of television since they are images that we take everywhere, that cost nothing and that make the audience!"

Today, Michel Denisot admits to not being taped in front of the television for several reasons. First because he spent all his life there and then because he is caught up in other activities. And then, "there is now the replay"!