November 25, 12:05 on November 25, when preparation work begins for the dismantling of the first studio

In July, the first studio of “Kyoto Animation” in Kyoto City, which was the site of the arson case where 36 people died, was demolished, and preparations for it started.

In July, the first studio of “Kyoto Animation” in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, was set on fire, killing 36 employees and 33 seriously injured.

The company decided to dismantle the first studio, and preparation work began on the morning of the 25th.

When a truck loaded with materials arrived after 9:00 am, the workers were working to extend the fence covering the building by unloading iron pipes using a crane.

According to the officials, the scaffolding will be set up and the remaining parts of the studio will be carried out within the year, and the building will be dismantled from early January to late April.

On the other hand, the utilization of the site of the studio has not yet been decided.

A woman who runs a café near the studio said, “If you think about the victims of the incident and the residents in the neighborhood, I think that there is no choice but to demolish the building. I want you to be a place. "