Marine plastic waste countermeasures To implement jointly between Japan and China, such as identifying the outflow source, November 25, 11:48

The person in charge of the environmental field in Japan and China met in Tokyo to confirm that the source of marine plastic waste was identified jointly.

This meeting was held by a man, and this time the theme was the countermeasures for marine plastic waste.

“I don't want the next generation to leave a future in which plastic will be more than fish in 2050 when my child born in 2020 will be 30 years old. I want to make together. "

In response, China's Eco-Environment Minister Lee said, “Cooperation in the environmental field will strengthen friendly relations between citizens and lead to the sound development of both countries.”

The meeting confirmed the identification of the outflow source of marine plastic waste, which is concerned about the impact on the ecosystem, and joint monitoring of how it spreads in the sea.

The Ministry of the Environment, we want signed a memorandum of understanding in accordance with the Japan visit of Xi Jinping Jintao, which is scheduled in the spring of next year, promote the cooperation in China and the environmental field.