As the protest movement enters its 40th day, Lebanon is expected to witness a general strike in the country, along some major roads.

The movement, which began on 17 October in protest against the ruling political class that the demonstrators accuse of corruption and quota, at dawn on Monday to strike.

He said in a statement: "The dominant political forces are doing the impossible to return us to the divisions, which this revolution has buried in the squares.

He added: "We face the attempts of the forces of the wretched power with more solidarity and determination and adhere to the objectives of our peaceful revolution.

In addition, the statement called on the Lebanese people to take action, in the morning in Beirut and the rest of the regions, and the general strike until achieving the interim goal of immediate commencement of parliamentary consultations to entrust an independent head of an independent mini-government with extraordinary powers to save people and the country from the crisis.