Are men no longer keeping up with the times? This year, the Swiss magazine Welt Fokhe sounded the alarm bells of its conservative readers. According to the weekly newspaper that traditional masculinity is faltering, noting that the Western world has mercy on the traditional man.

So how should a man be today? A sympathetic or a male solution? Compassionate or cruel? Do those, who were once considered powerful, need someone who patted and encouraged them?

The image of men has undergone a strong transformation, which is disturbing the self-confidence of some. And they wonder, 'What are we then to please?'

A year ago, actor Daniel Craig, who played James Bond, was at the center of a debate because he appeared in a photo carrying a baby on his abdomen, using a cloth designed to carry children on the abdomen, making a famous British TV presenter commenting on his account. Twitter: "Oh, wow, 007, didn't you give up too?", Titled his comment in English, meaning: "Bonded manliness." The number 007 refers to Craig's role in James Bond films as a British intelligence agent. British psychologists have been talking for a few years in their research on the role of men about "toxic manhood" or "harmful".

According to the American Federation of Psychologists, when young people become accustomed to growing up as an ideal image of a man, requiring them to suppress their emotions and appear as a dominant and hostile person, it protects the risk of violence, where some men resort to the use of violence if they see during a Their relationships with women that their idealistic masculine identity are threatened.

Tony Tolin says that although the common perception of men as heroes and warriors is no longer common, it has left a vacuum in which there are people like the presidents of the United States, Russia, Turkey and Brazil. The definition of masculinity, and the more extremists to the right, the traditional role of men was glorified ».

The Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, seeks to help oscillators. In his book 12 Roles for Life, System and Structure in a Chaotic World, one of the best-selling books, he promotes the phrase "manly order and feminine chaos."

Peterson's supporters call themselves "crabs," because Peterson considers crabs, a lecture on traditional manhood that has millions of views on YouTube.

The author of the main article in the magazine «Welt Fokhe» Swiss that the role distribution model «I Tarzan and you Jean», ensures harmony in the distribution of roles between the sexes.

And the author does not care much about the new role of men, in which the man is Tarzan, and the Peterson in his article in the magazine that «this mixture of masculinity, which focuses in his life on what is known as the female side of the man, is causing chills, and looks like empty beer Of alcohol.

Has the role of men in society changed so strongly? The proportion of full-time workers with children is 94% of parents, compared to only 34% of mothers, according to data from the German Statistics Office in 2018.

Free from standards

Psychologist Björn Thorsten Lymbach believes he has spotted "devaluing masculinity in society," and said that men should "be free from women's norms, norms and behaviors" to "learn the masculine spirit of flying again," according to the report. Psychology page on the Internet.

- Although the perception of men as heroes and warriors is no longer acceptable, it has left a vacuum.

- «Lobster» Lectures on traditional manhood achieve millions of views on «YouTube»