A private English exam is scheduled to be introduced on 29th November 19:03 on November 8

The ripples that postponed the English language private exams are now reaching the universities that decided to introduce them. The associations established at national universities nationwide announced on 29th of this month that a new test method will be published for each university.

The National University Association, made up of 86 national universities nationwide, announced in March last year a policy of imposing a private English exam on all students.

On the other hand, four universities such as Tohoku University and Hokkaido University did not introduce them because they had concerns about fairness, but other universities were planning to use it for pass / fail judgment and application qualifications.

However, because the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided to postpone on the 1st of this month, as a result of discussions with the association, it was agreed on 29th of this month to announce a new test method for each university.

Even though many problems were pointed out from the beginning at the general meeting held in Kumamoto on the 8th, some universities raised criticism for deciding to introduce a private exam. It was.

President Takashi Onishi of Toyohashi University of Technology said, “Now that the premise of the exam has collapsed, as a national university, we should have a firm opinion on the proposal of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

In addition, President Kiyotaka Morisako of Kyoto Institute of Technology pointed out that “as a national university, we should think with an independence”.

No other national university presidents gave any opinions.