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They constantly repeat the importance of having a good breakfast in the morning, while the intermediate meal between lunch and dinner tends to be relegated to the background. Although it is usually associated with schoolchildren, the truth is, as indicated by some experts in nutrition, which is essential for some population groups .

Elizabeth González, maternity dietitian-nutritionist and founder of www.slownutricion.com, explains that the snack is essential for a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet: "It fulfills an elementary function, because it stabilizes blood glucose levels a lot. and it helps us not to get to hypoglycemic dinner . " In turn, "it is the perfect meal to try to balance the nutrients throughout the day . That is, choosing specific foods can provide us with those nutrients that we have not taken until that moment," González continues.

Also, "in the afternoon the body is prepared for the repair of tissues and organs . If we choose some specific foods we can contribute to that restoration. The snack is a good way to take care of and pamper ourselves ," says the expert. And, of course, it allows us to control a huge appetite at dinner time - avoid binge eating - or have the urge to peck, "says the dietitian-nutritionist.

The snack is also perfect to regain strength to face the rest of the day . "The activity lasts until very late (work, studies, extracurriculars, etc.) and in the end too many hours pass between lunch and dinner without any contribution of energy if we do not do it. With a snack in the middle of the afternoon we can face the 100% rest of the day, "says Gonzalez.

For those professionals who do not find this snack that is done in the afternoon essential, what they do consider is that it can be important for "all those people who have an appetite for the afternoon and who need an extra energy and nutrients" , says Gemma Tendero , dietitian-nutritionist and vice-secretary of the Official College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of the Valencian Community (CODiNuCoVa).

"If we eat without having an appetite, we eat more calories and maybe we don't have so much need, since we have to take into account the energy needs of each person and see if dinner would be enough to complete them," continues Tendero. Of course, highlights the expert that may also be important " so that dinner is not reached with much appetite , which makes you eat faster and more than is needed."

Who should take it?

For González in certain groups such as children, it is totally necessary : "Their afternoons are usually full of extracurriculars, homework and, of course, they will want to have some game time and this meal gives them the extra energy needed to face those afternoons full of activities". In addition, due to the rapid pace of life "it is one of the few moments during the day that can be shared with children and is an ideal occasion to show them healthy eating and instill good eating routines."

On the other hand, Tendero adds that " other aspects such as rest also influence academic performance or extracurricular activities . It must be clear that, although we are giving a good snack to the children of the house, if they have not rested at night Enough will not yield. "

Mothers are another group to which the snack can help a lot . "Normally moms at snack time are exhausted all day, for this reason it is good to replenish energy and continue a little more," says Gonzalez, who adds that "is also recommended for older people and athletes as if they are going to carry out some intense activity, achieving the objectives may depend on having a snack or not. "

Snacks for all tastes

The first recommendation is that " avoid the bollito, the juice and the sugary drinks, since there are numerous healthy and delicious options, cheaper, easy to prepare and that provide many more nutrients . The industrial pastries contain high levels of fat and sugar and It is one of the causes of childhood obesity, it also generates a lot of anxiety in adults, because in the same way that it increases glucose, it decreases rapidly after feeling worse. Likewise, children especially need to share healthy meals with their families, "González points out. .

On the other hand, Shopkeeper advises against "overeating, ignoring appetite and satiety , since if we do not pay attention to these two factors, we may not be hungry when we arrive at dinner and before going to sleep or during the night said appetite, you should not chew quickly , as it can make digestion more difficult and make you eat more, in addition to unhealthy products. "

The experts, Elizabeth González and Gemma Tendero, suggest some ideas of healthy snacks for all tastes.

- For example, if you prefer salty options you can opt for rye bread with extra virgin olive oil, humus with vegetable crudités, a sandwich of whole wheat bread with tomato and fresh cheese or a sandwich of whole wheat bread with vegetable pate and salmon.

- The sweet tooth can please your palate with a porridge or yogurt with chopped fruit, chia pudding with some fruit, quinoa with milk and red fruits or a homemade fruit smoothie.

- If you are not at home , you can choose to buy some prepared fruit or you can choose those that can be taken without cutting or peeling with a knife such as a banana, an apple, a pear, plums, etc. You can always carry a handful of natural or roasted nuts with no added salt or even a fresh cheese sandwich in your bag. Of course, if you are going to take food with you as important is the conservation of these as choosing healthy foods.

- The snack can be a perfect time to introduce the fruit to children , because they do not always want to eat it. It is an ideal time to experiment and play with the fruit and we can even take them to the purchase and make them get involved in the choice of the fruit. Sometimes some foods are masked so much that they do not eat them due to ignorance. If we allow them to play and become familiar, they can eat it better.

In addition, we should be an example for children , since they tend to mimic adult behaviors. If they see us eating fruit, they will act like a mirror.

Another important aspect is that this food is accessible . It is useless to have fruit at home and that cannot be taken. It must also be easy to prepare, which does not require the use of knives, etc., so that they can be eaten on all the little ones. They are good options, for example, bananas, tangerines, apples, pears ...

- Do not forget that it is not necessary that the snack is based on chewable food . In this case you can choose between vegetable drinks, smothies, infusions ...

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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