Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, said that the National Festival for Tolerance and Human Brotherhood, under the slogan “On the Zayed Approach”, which starts today, focuses on promoting the message of coexistence, tolerance and harmony within society, and draws attention to the principles of the UAE Humanitarian Brotherhood document. To the world, stressing that this message does not exclude anyone, it is addressed to everyone at home and abroad, to citizens and residents, and to individuals and institutions, as well as to families and students of schools and universities, and all segments of society. Nahyan bin Mubarak added that the ministry's goal is to uphold the values ​​of tolerance, coexistence, respect for pluralism and acceptance of the other, intellectually, culturally and religiously, and to renounce violence and extremism by all available means, through local and international programs and initiatives included in the National Festival of Tolerance and Humanity, and broad international participation in its various activities.

This came during a briefing by the Minister on the latest preparations of the Ministry of Tolerance to launch the “National Festival for Tolerance and Human Brotherhood”, which is organized by the Ministry with the participation of many authorities (federal, local, private and educational), in addition to the embassies of brotherly and friendly countries in the UAE, from 8 to 16 November, which Umm Al Emarat Park in Abu Dhabi holds the largest share of its various programs and activities during the morning and evening periods.

Artists Hussein Al Jasmi and Balqees Ahmad will present a song of tolerance during the opening ceremony.

- Physical and Balqees

Tighten in a ceremony

Opening with a garden

Mother of the Emirates