Leaving room light during sleep may increase the risk of dying from heart disease and stroke, according to a new study.

High levels of light pollution are offset by higher rates of atherosclerosis in 1,000 adult men and women, who were monitored over three years, the researchers said.

"We found a clear and significant correlation between the intensity of light in the bedroom at night and the development of atherosclerosis, which was independent of known risk factors including age, obesity, smoking, economic status and high Blood pressure and diabetes. "

A previous study concluded that looking at computer screens, smartphones and television during the evening causes a lack of sleep, which increases the risk of exposure to several health problems including obesity, depression, heart disease and stroke.

The study found that exposure to electric light at night, which is supposed to be a normal sleep time, is the most important cause of sleep disorders.

The researchers explained that exposure to artificial light reduces the rest of the body during the night by inhibiting the activity of neurons responsible for sleep and activation of cells responsible for wakefulness, as well as blocking the secretion of sleep hormone known as “melatonin”,

The effect on light-sensitive cells in the eye, which in turn leads to disruption of the biological clock or vital to the body, which is responsible for regulating sleep and waking times.