Estelle Lefébure was invited on Tuesday, at the microphone of Anne Roumanoff, on Europe 1, to present her latest book, "Living at the rhythm of her heart", where she delivers her well-being and spiritual advice.


The former model and actress Estelle Lefébure publishes this month Live at the rhythm of her heart (editions Flammarion), a book that draws on her personal experience and the expertise of several health professionals. Since 2015, she has already published several books in which she offers her well-being and beauty advice, in the Orahe series , the Estelle Lefébure method ("My anti-aging method", "Well-being for children" ...) .

"You have to take care of your heart in a spiritual way"

"You have to relearn how to love yourself, people forget each other", considers Estelle Lefébure. In her book, she recounts that when her mother died in 2011 in a car accident, she relearned to think of her and listen to herself. "There is a real job you can do yourself and there is no need to wait for this kind of event to understand that life is precious," she continues.

In his book, the former supermodel gives dietary and philosophical advice. "I realized a long time ago the existence of my spiritual heart," she wrote. "By accepting the signs of passing time, the penalties, the accidents of life, I am lightening my heart." She particularly recommends yoga to "take care of one's heart in a spiritual way". "It's important to take time to get to know each other, that's the key," she adds.