On the occasion of the launch of the first French show on Netflix, which he hosts, humorist Artus was invited to Europe 1 to tell the behind the scenes of the recording.


Artus is on all fronts. After filming Season 5 of the Bureau des légendes , Spoiled Rotten films and The Sense of the Family , and the debut of his play, Duels Davidejonatown , soon touring all over France, the comedian animates more since late October, on Netflix, the first issue of French flow It's cake , adaptation of the American show Nailed it . "Today, platforms such as Netflix allow you to have more freedom than TV," said Artus, on Tuesday in the program Culture Media , on Europe 1. "This is the tone of the channel Canal + fifteen years ago and it does not have anymore. "

" It's cake could not have been released on TMC or W9"

The principle: three amateur candidates have the mission to reproduce pastries very complex identically, "cakes that even pastry chefs could copy in time," admits Artus laughing. The six episodes of the show are already available on the platform. The comedian is a regular on television sets. He had climbed to the finals of the first season of the Best Pastry Chef in 2012, and also took the reins of the second half of the evening of Best Pastry Chef - Professionals on M6.

>> READ ALSO: Canal + and Netflix will announce Monday a distribution agreement

"With Netflix, it's more American: there are always 50 more people on the set than for the recording of a French program," he says. "But cake could not have been released on TMC or W9, for example, we shot a scene where I drink a shot of vodka ... that would not have been possible on TV."