The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism), in partnership with Tencent Games, has launched a unique experience that highlights the emirate's landmarks by developing an electronic game map in an online application that highlights Dubai's landmarks. LEGO® CUBE has been developed and operated. Game with sandbox, using the famous Lego cubes.

The game, which offers an innovative platform for exploring Dubai's iconic landmarks, can be downloaded for free in a virtual world. This is the first time that the game has been shared with any third party, reflecting the ongoing efforts of Dubai Tourism to create attractive interactive and specialized promotional campaigns for young and old, aimed at maintaining the status of the city among the public in China, and introducing them to all that is. new.

The map, developed and released by Tencent Games, will highlight the emirate's highlights, allowing players to view many of Dubai's attractions and experience exciting experiences. The game is in keeping with the city's future creative thinking and aims to provide visitors with exceptional experiences, making it an ideal destination for this innovative online platform.

most popular

The interactive map includes a number of Dubai's most famous attractions such as: Atlantis, The Palm, Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Frame, Dubai Opera, Legoland Dubai, Palm Jumeirah, The Green Planet, La Pearl, Ski Dubai and the historic Al Fahidi neighborhood. Players are encouraged to play the game to learn more about the various attractions and build their own landmarks using LEGO® CUBE cubes.

In order to maintain momentum of engagement and exploration as a key feature of the game, the map targets families with children between the ages of 6 and 16, and LEGO cubs. The game offers a safe and innovative way for players to get closer to the city's diverse attractions, and start building, building and developing within this virtual world of LEGO® CUBE using digital LEGO cubes.

By clicking on "Learn More", players will be able to reveal the sites they are interested in and view a picture of them. They can also click on “Start building now” to become builders and engineers to build the city's landmarks in a fun and engaging way. They can build many destinations using LEGO® CUBE cubes. Furthermore, by clicking on 'Continue Exploration', players will be able to move forward and explore other prominent locations on the map, which will be on the list of applications to be promoted during the launch of the game in the Chinese market, thus becoming the first and only international map They are displayed on the game platform.

New partnership

Essam Kazim, Executive Director of Dubai Tourism and Commercial Marketing Corporation, said: “With the continuous improvement of the performance of the China market and establishing itself as one of the best major export markets for visitors to Dubai, we remain committed to Chinese visitors by engaging them in our innovative marketing initiatives and programs to attract More of them, and make our city on the list of future destinations ».

“This new partnership with Tencent Games will help us capitalize on the global trend in interactive gaming to showcase Dubai's rich diversity in family-oriented entertainment and to enhance its position as an attractive destination for Chinese. As an important market for the city, and with great growth potential, such initiatives will support the Dubai Ready to Receive Chinese Visitors strategy, which caters to the needs of our guests in all the places and means of communicating directly with them, as well as highlighting the emirate. As a preferred destination for potential future travelers. ”

While Dubai is witnessing a growth in visitor numbers from China, with more than 650,000 Chinese visitors from January to August, Dubai Tourism continues its efforts to promote Dubai among its target audience in the Chinese market through a strategy of It has three pillars: outreach programs aimed directly at visitors, planning customized trips for visitors in collaboration with industry partners, as well as enhancing the experience of in-city visits and implementing initiatives in line with the Dubai Readiness Strategy for Chinese Visitors.

Dubai Tourism continues to partner with major Chinese companies, including Tencent, one of the world's largest Internet and technology companies, with which Dubai Tourism is currently collaborating to manage and operate the WeChat digital audio guided tour system. In order to promote Dubai as the preferred holiday destination for visitors from China, as well as to enhance their overall tourism experience in the emirate.

Shared family adventures

As Dubai continues its efforts to strengthen its position as a family favorite, it has produced a series of videos created by Tencent Games Labs in Dubai, and its story revolves around the game, and includes two teams of parents and two children, and aims to highlight the importance of having fun with parents Their children.

One of the videos shows a parent named Kuan Liu who mastered the installation of Lego cubes with his son.On the other end was a boy named Zhongmin Shen, a social media activist, with 620,000 followers standing next to his father. The two teams embark on a journey of exploring Dubai through joint ventures and interaction within the emirate.

• 650,000 Chinese visitors to Dubai from January to August.