The Afghan child, Sultan A., a four-month-old, needs a special genetic test, sent to a specialized laboratory outside the country, costing AED 7,160, to determine his treatment for a genetic disease, where he lies in the special intensive care unit Children in Tawam Hospital, and the amount required above the potential of his parents, and appeals to his father to help him.

Sultan's father tells his story: “I came to the country and gave birth to my first child, which I had been waiting for years after my marriage. It turned out that Sultan was suffering from a genetic genetic disease. Four months later, his health worsened. In the eye, after the doctors' examination, he was transferred to the child care unit. ”

He added: «Doctors at Tawam Hospital confirmed that my child needs a special medical examination, sent to one of the specialized laboratories outside the country, to determine the quality of appropriate treatment, and to assess his health, knowing that the cost of genetic examination is not covered by the health insurance card, I do not know what "Working under the conditions he ordered."

He continued: «I am the only breadwinner for my family members, and I work in one of the private bodies salary of 4000 dirhams, of which spent 2000 dirhams per month to rent the house, and the remaining requirements of life, so I appeal to good people and compassionate hearts to help me in the cost of genetic examination of my sick child.

• Father: «I am the sole breadwinner for my family members, and I work in one of the private bodies with a salary of 4000 dirhams».