The father of the Jordanian pilot, Muath Kasasbeh, who was burned by the Islamic State terrorist organization, expressed his delight at the killing of the group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an operation carried out by US special forces in the province of Idlib, Syria.

The pilot's father told Al-Arabiya television that he had dreamed of revenge on the killers of his son and killed one of them. And Islam.

"In my life, I dreamed of being able to Baghdadi and his ilk and anyone who contributed to the killing of my son Moaz like Saddam al-Jamal, one of ISIS's young leaders."

US President Donald Trump announced on Sunday the death of ISIS leader in an operation carried out by US special forces in the village of Barisha in the countryside of Idlib province in Syria.

"Baghdadi killed himself with an explosive vest after being trapped in a tunnel," he said, adding that Baghdadi's identity was positively identified through the results of tests conducted after the raid. "Baghdadi died of dogs and cowards."

Trump stressed that the results of DNA tests proved that the body belonged to Baghdadi, thanking Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iraq for their support for the success of the operation.