It was during the fall of 2017 that five women accused the comedian and director Louis CK of masturbating in front of them against their will. The offenses must have been committed between 2002 and 2005.

CK acknowledged that he had been sexually abusive and said that he had used his position as admired comedian, that he regretted and "did not forgive himself for any aspect of his behavior".

The tour goes through the USA, Israel, Italy and Slovakia

So two years have passed and now CK feels that it is time to go on a comedy tour. In a newsletter to his fans, as well as on his website, he writes, among other things, that the tour will consist of "sharing jokes, stories, observations, lies, non-lies and being generally ridiculous for the benefit of a laughing audience".

According to the website, the tour starts in November and extends to the end of January 2020. Among the stops are most American cities, but also some in Israel, Italy and Slovakia.

“Click on the links to buy tickets so you can be there. Or not. I will add more dates here on the website, ”he writes further.