New work system for teachers “Substantially reduced overtime” Signature submission October 28 15:48

Regarding the “transformed working hours system” that the government plans to introduce as a way of reforming teachers' work, teachers at the site will sign a letter for 30,000 people who call for the withdrawal of the bill on the assumption that long working hours will not be corrected under this system Submitted to the Ministry of Science.

The signatures were submitted by in-service teachers and bereaved family members who had died from overwork.

The delegation visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and handed over 33,000 signatures collected on the Internet to the withdrawal of a new work system called the “Modified Working Hours System” to Makoto Fujiwara.

This new system has been submitted to the current Diet to review the long working hours of teachers, and the new system is being introduced in the spring of two years at the earliest.

It is said that instead of extending work hours on weekdays, it will be possible to take a full vacation such as summer vacation, but from the school site there is a voice that opposes that `` Summer vacation can not be rested due to training or club activities '' There is a deep root.

Yuji Nishimura, who works for a prefectural high school in Gifu Prefecture, who submitted the signature, said, “Replacement of working hours just seems to reduce apparent overtime, and it goes against work style reform. "